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Louis Hernandez Jr.’s Foundation For A Bright Future Announces Charitable Multi-Year Donation


Updated: Apr 19, 2024

Gift supports Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital’s expansion and its efforts to provide high quality cost-effective healthcare to families in South Florida

MIAMI –January 4, 2021 – Louis Hernandez Jr.’s Foundation For A Bright Future (For A Bright Future), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports the needs of underprivileged children, announced a $50,000 pledge as part of its multi-year contribution to the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundation. The Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital will name a new pediatric room after For A bright Future Foundation following generous donation.

Check presentation inside of Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundation. Left to right are Daniel Consigli, CFO of Black Dragon Capital and on the Board of For A Bright Future Foundation, Louis A. Hernandez III, son of Louis Hernandez Jr. (Founder and Chairman of For A Bright Future Foundation) representing the family, and Kevin R. Janser, Senior Vice President and Chief Development Officer of Memorial Healthcare System in Hollywood, FL on DEC 23, 2020. Photo by For A Bright Future Foundation.

Louis Hernandez Jr. is the Founder and CEO of Black Dragon Capital, a high-performing private equity firm making control investments in mid-market technology companies. He is also an award-winning technology executive, corporate board member, author, philanthropist, and the Founder of the Foundation For A Bright Future. He has worked with or served on the board of many charitable or not-for-profit organizations on a range of community issues.

"Healthcare workers have been the silent heroes to our society, committing their lives and careers to keep us safe and healthy. This commitment to a greater cause is a reminder of how important healthcare is to all of us, and especially when it comes to caring for our children. I am honored to support, through my Foundation, For A Bright Future, Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital Foundation's philanthropic efforts," said Hernandez.

For A Bright Future has pledged support to numerous charitable organizations with a particular emphasis on healthcare, education, youth leadership and creative arts for underserved children and their families.

"We are so grateful and so fortunate to receive the support from Mr. Hernandez through his Foundation, For A Bright Future. This generous gift helps us keep our world-class care close to home by funding critical development initiatives. The kind gesture will make a difference to thousands of children right here in South Florida, including your loved ones, friends and neighbors," said Kevin R. Janser, Senior Vice President and Chief Development Officer of Memorial Healthcare System.

There are only few places nationwide families can go to receive the highly specialized pediatric care that Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital offers, and it must continue growing to meet South Florida's increasing pediatric healthcare needs, regardless of a child's age, medical complexity, or ability to pay. To continue providing leading- edge healthcare services, critical investments are deployed in expansion projects, research, education, technology, and various support programs.

About Louis Hernandez Jr.'s Foundation For A Bright Future 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting the needs of underrepresented and underprivileged children through education, healthcare, the arts, and youth leadership development. Our initiatives provide equal opportunity for all children to have the tools and opportunities to fulfill their life goals and become constructive members of our global community. If you would like to learn more about the Louis Hernandez Jr.'s Foundation For A Bright Future, please visit

About Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital ( - the largest pediatric hospital serving Broward, Palm Beach, and northern Miami-Dade counties - has 224 licensed beds, seven operating rooms, and an entire floor dedicated to pediatric oncology.

The stand-alone facility, part of the Memorial Healthcare System (, combines advanced technology, the expertise of some of South Florida's most diverse, board-certified specialists, and a patient and family-centered focus to heal the body, mind, and spirit of those it touches, regardless of their ability to pay.

The non-profit Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital Foundation ( provides philanthropic funding to support the children's hospital's mission.


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