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For A Bright Future Foundation Awards Dr. Emma Lerew Scholarship to Trent Smith of Nevada

Louis Hernandez Jr.'s Foundation For A Bright Future supports deserving young people pursuing a career in education

MIAMI, Sept. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Trent Smith, 31, of Nevada, has been awarded the annual Dr. Emma Lerew Scholarship by Louis Hernandez Jr.'s Foundation For A Bright Future ("For A Bright Future", "FABF").

The Dr. Emma Lerew Scholarship is presented to underrepresented and high-achieving young people pursuing careers in education. In addition to a scholarship, Trent Smith will receive mentoring from successful teachers and administrators.

Louis Hernandez Jr's Foundation For A Bright is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting the needs of underrepresented and underprivileged children through education, healthcare, the arts, and youth leadership development.

"The Dr. Lerew Scholarship is named after my mother, who has dedicated her career to supporting underprivileged students in the hopes of helping them excel in their academics and eventually become contributing members of their communities. This scholarship is a great opportunity for high performing students like Trent who want to help future generations learn and develop by becoming educators. Both my parents were educators and I saw first hand the powerful impact they had on communities. Trent is a promising student, and we are very excited to award him this scholarship," said Louis Hernandez Jr., Founder and Chairman of the Board of the Foundation.

Trent Smith graduated from Comeaux High School and is continuing his education at the Northcentral University in San Diego California. He also volunteered at the local shelter for the homeless, where he was able to help those who were less fortunate. Once he completes his specialization in General Education, Smith plans to teach in an underprivileged community.

"I am sincerely honored to have been chosen as the 2021 Dr. Emma Lerew Scholarship recipient. This scholarship will not only aid me in finishing my graduate studies but also help me to be able to afford little ones, just like I was, the same hope that they can be in the same position of attaining success. Growing up within a less privileged community has afforded me many academic and financial challenges. Still, it has also shown me the value of education and how education can affect many variables within my life. My educational pursuits would not be possible without the generous support from the For a Bright Future foundation, and I am greatly appreciative," said Smith.

"The quality of the candidates who apply for the scholarship never ceases to impress me. As a life-long educator, seeing the applicant turnout for 2021-2022 For A Bright Future Education Scholarship Grants has been inspiring. It's heartening to see the number of qualified students of color from underrepresented, lower income households who want to pursue a career in education. You are all the leaders of the future. I encourage the candidates who were selected for this year's scholarship awards to apply again. I wish all the applicants' great success as you pursue your goal to become educators – our students need you," said Dr. Emma Lerew, FABF Board Member and Executive Program Director of the Foundation.

This year the foundation received a record number of applications to review. We would like to thank Susie Hernandez, FABF Board Member and Chair of the Scholarship Committee, and our volunteers for serving on the scholarship selection committee.

Scholarship selection team includes:

  • Dr. Emma Lerew, Scholarship Committee Member.

  • Paul Frumkin, Scholarship Committee Member.

We also would like to thank the operational team led by Gina Rogoto, Marketing and Development Manager, for their incredible efforts to source candidates across the country and facilitate the process.

Contact: Gina Rogoto, Marketing and Development Manager Louis Hernandez Jr.'s Foundation For A Bright Future Email:

About Louis Hernandez Jr.'s Foundation For A Bright Future

Louis Hernandez Jr's Foundation For A Bright is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting the needs of underrepresented and underprivileged children through education, healthcare, the arts, and youth leadership development. Our initiatives provide equal opportunity for all children to have the tools and opportunities to fulfill their life goals and become constructive members of our global community.

For more information: or follow @FABrightFuture on Twitter and Instagram.



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